Put down the expensive vitamins. The secret to powerful natural immunity is right under your nose (or clothes).

For decades we’ve been told to look outside ourselves for protection against colds, flu (and particular deadly viruses that shall not be named). We’re touted by the promises of the latest superfood or multivitamin to be the one magic pill to fix it all, so we fill up our carts at the pharmacy to the brim, down them with a glass of water and hope for the best.

But what if we were to tell you that you have the largest untapped resource of natural immunity already inside you, just waiting for you to read a blog like this and set that unstoppable fire alight?

We’re talking of course about the power of the mighty microbiome, the gut!


Did you know that up to 80% of your immune system is found in your gut?

If there ever was a reason to care about your gut health, 2020/21 sure is it!

By now, it’s a familiar fact: Humans have more bacterial cells—a lot more—than human cells. Bacteria live on the skin, in the nose and ears, and, most of all, in the gut. But these bacteria are not just hanging out there for fun - they are here to help you.

Until recently, if most people thought about those bacteria at all, we tended to think of them as fairly separate from us. They help with digestion, but otherwise, they stay on their side of the intestinal lining, and we stay on our side. But, in fact, there is a lot of interaction between the body’s immune system and bacteria in the gut.

Eating to support your gut microbiome (and your immune system)

You can increase the diversity of your microbiome by eating lots of plant-based foods, which are high in fibre and limiting ultra-processed and junk food.

Recent research has shown that a Mediterranean style diet, which may put you in a better position to fight pathogens (like the C virus) and others.

This involves eating plenty of fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes and pulses; healthy fats like high-quality extra virgin olive oil; and lean meat or fish for those who wish. At the same time, keep your gut bugs healthy by limiting alcohol intake, salt, sweets and sugary drinks. 

The best fruit and veg to support your microbiome.


Many different vitamins and minerals play a key role in supporting our immune function. One worth mentioning is Vitamin A which can be found in brightly coloured fruit and vegetables including spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, red peppers, mango, papaya and apricots.

If it’s difficult for you to get a hold of fresh fruit and vegetables during this time, don’t forget to check the freezer section for freshly frozen fruit and veg that are particularly good for smoothie additions and contain just as many essential vitamins and nutrients. Canned fruit, beans and pulses are also a useful long-lasting option.

Let’s gut-started healing your gut for the best natural immunity and exuberant natural energy of your life…

Courtney Chambers